Thursday, September 21, 2017

Better Late Than Never!

I know you've been waiting forever and ever and ever! So after several squirrel moments,  I'm back, we'll just till the Ritalin wears off hahaha just keeping it real (insert super smiley face here)

  1. Read 50 books
  2. Take more pictures
  3. 365 project (have to have something to do with all the pictures I took)
  4. Polar Bear Plunge 
  5. Learn about a new artist every month 
  6. Write more....
  7. Sew at least two projects
  8. Take the kids to New York
  9. Take the kids to Philadelphia
  10. Yoga
  11. Manhattanhenge 2017
  12. Day at the spa
  13. Learn how to apply make up
  14. Finish the kitchen
  15. Sort through all my photos
  16. Define and refine my wardrobe 
  17. Learn to be a stronger swimmer
  18. Bake more
  19. Take piano lessons
  20. Learn how to read music
  21. Run a Half Marathon in two hours
  22. Frame more pictures
  23. Learn calligraphy
  24. Get a beach Jeep
  25. Try some new food
  26. Do a "cleanse" for one week
  27. Go wine tasting
  28. Complete 47 Pinterest projects
  29. Lose 15 pounds
  30. Plant a tree
  31. Host a dinner party
  32. Go to Niagara Falls
  33. Artist dates every week 
  34. Sleep under the stars
  35. Visit Kid 1 in Washington State
  36. Learn how to play the ukulele
  37. Watercolor
  38. NaNoWriMo
  39. Volunteer
  40. Do something scary
  41. Become closer to G-d
  42. Try some new restaurants
  43. Win the Powerball...or Mega
  44. Become a guerrilla artist
  45. Stop procrastinating
  46. Take wood working lessons
  47. Learn needle point
Okay reviewing this list I didnt get a whole lot done so far! But I still have about two and a half months before I create another fabulous birthday list, so a whole lot could happen between now and then :) So lets review shall we ...

10. Yoga and meditation... Ive been pretty good about this just about every morning 10 minutes of meditation (nap) hahaha and 20 minutes of intense yoga (intense because I'm a woman of a particular age so I'm not really that graceful these days) hahaha
13. Learn how to apply make-up .... a few months ago I decided its now or never so I walked into my local Ulta met a super nice lady who showed me how to apply cover up (more about that in anoter post) $100 dollars I had a brush and some foundation then I lost interest but I have a new friend :)
14. Finish the kitchen Whooooohooooo! Thank you Billy and Ponytail Rob (thats gonna be a post too :) )
33. Artist dates....well kid of their suppose to be alone but here lately I've been taking Kid 3 on mondays 
40. Do something scary....I'm running for office...need I say more :) 

Monday, June 20, 2016

46 things to do before I turn 47

Finally! I guess its better late...really super late than never! I know its June..Mid June like almost my half birthday! Like my half Birthday! Which is today! But I've been busy! Crossing things off my list you ask? Nope! Just my usual starting things not finishing things. Making lists and making more lists and making lists to the list of the lists that I made or wrote or whatever suppose to go in this sentence ...fragment...can't recall I was very distracted in school  (topic for another day) (insert laughing face with tears here) So here it is ... (I know you've been wondering how you survived 6 months without my birthday list) so here it is.....

46 Things to do before I turn 47
  1. Take more pictures
  2. Make a schedule and stick to it!
  3. 365 project ....FAIL
  4. Create an inspiring work space
  5. Polar Bear Plunge...FAIL
  6. Read 50 books this far I read 4...(insert sideways face here)
  7. Follow the Daniel Fast (all 21 days!) I'm gonna do this if it kills me!!!!
  8. Spend more with the boys
  9. Study one artist per month...well I got the books that's a start right?
  10. Ride my bike...well I need to get a bike first...
  11. Write more...can't get better unless I write more! (insert super smiley face here!)
  12. Stop Procrastinating...(I was suppose to post this on my birthday...6 months ago)
  13. Sew just sew some stuff...
  14. Finish my reading corner as in start it finish it and use it!
  15. Take the kids to NY...gotta get them out of the Dome...(Stephen King reference)
  16. Take the kids to Philadelphia...
  17. No more drinking just because! 2 and done!
  18. Yoga...
  19. Manhattanhenge 2016...I have one more chance to see it this year in July (insert stress out face here)
  20. Budget for real!
  21. Win the Lottery...Look one can dream right? (insert hahaha face here!)
  22. Day at the spa
  23. Host a dinner party...craft party...or something party with friends! I have to get over everything needing to be perfect!
  24. Learn to apply make-up...yea I know I'm a little late to the party with that one!
  25. Finish The Artist Way! Yup I've started this book a million times....
  26. Finish the kitchen!!!!
  27. Read the Bible its been awhile....and I have a whole bunch of questions...cause I like science too...annnnnnd....well like I said I got a bunch of questions!
  28. Sort thru all my photos
  29. Define and refine my  wardrobe
  30. Write a book for fun...haha I know I didn't say a chapter book!
  31. Learn to be a stronger swimmer...I don't like to get water in my eyes...ears...nose...mouth...
  32. Bake more...I'm working on it!
  33. Learn a language!
  34. Take piano lessons
  35. Learn how to read music
  36. Run a half marathon in 2 hours or less! I know I'm laughing too! Squirrel...  
  37. Frame more of my pictures...yes shame on me! I'm a photographer and I barely have photos on my walls!
  38. Learn how to calligraphy...oh and I need to learn how to say calligraphy! 
  39. Really organize my businesses!
  40. Visit Hershey Park...cause its chocolate land!!!!
  41. See Oprah...somewhere someplace somehow!
  42. FORGIVE!!!! Cause sometimes people SUCK!!!!
  43. Get comfortable driving stick...again!
  44. Get a Beach Jeep...cause I like the beach and I like Jeeps!
  45. Learn Photoshop and I know it....but I wanna know it know it!!! (insert super smart face here)
  46. Show my photography...someplace!

Well there you have it! I got 6 more months to cross some more stuff off this list....We'll see (Super happy face with heart eyeballs and heart kisses)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

DAY ONE...Intro

I gotta a lot of teeth!

Ta Da! I'm back! I'm going to give it a go again! Yup the girl that breaks all the grammar rules...cause I don't know them :) but I'm working on it has decided to accept the 31 Days writing challenge! Yes last year I made it to day 12...I think. And even that was a huge struggle! This year I put it on my birthday list 45 things to do before I turn 46! ( I tell you guys more about that later ) 
So I guess I should get this party started with an introduction so here it goes My name is Kiesha! I'm a 45 almost 46 year old mom to 3 boys ages 18, 10, and 6! ( I know right? Quite a age difference. Keeps you on your toes! ) Oh and I forgot about our fur baby a Golden Retriever named Charlie he's 8! I'm married to my best friend Rob he's 43 hey why leave his age out! We've been kickin it, hangin, chillin, rollin, whatever you wanna call it for almost 21 years! ( I might dabble into that best friend with your spouse thing later...cause it ain't all perfect! ) Hmm...I guess that was the family introduction...
Here's what I do for a living. I'm a Lifestyle Photographer Oceanbleu Photography! Made that a full time gig back in the 08! I'm also a jewelry maker chic! That's my other full time gig! Simply Vintage Designs fine art for your neck, ears, fingers, and wrist. Made from photography. Thanks to a friend I made back in my Flicker days Shannon Jackson. You can check her work out here  shannon jax productions 
So my plan for the next 31 days is to torture your eyeballs with my sucky writing skills. I hope through all the misspelled words, incomplete sentences, sentence fragments, lack of punctuation, too much punctuation you'll get to experience some funny real life stories about how I got where I'm at today...which is...I'm sure yet but I'm working on it! (super cheesy smiley face) XO

Monday, January 26, 2015

I Did It!!!!

This really cool berry bowl was made by Colette Bove 
Well I kind of did it...Ah The New Year! New beginnings, New list, and New ideas! Everyone is feeling good and on top of their game...Well that all depends on what you did New Years eve. It may have taken you a little while longer to recover! My New Years resolution ...Well I really don't do them, I'm a day to day type of girl (something I just found out about myself). See this why I won't set myself up for failure! If I start over everyday fresh I won't kick my own arsh because I didn't complete my list or stick to a resolution (smiley face). So this years plan is to get back to healthy livin I needed to clean it all up! Food, Working out, running (which I guess falls under working out), relationships, faith, spirituality, ( I think faith and spirituality can be the same) and the big one my Head thoughts eeeek I can go on forever about those but not today...lucky you  (smiley face). Okay so for a year and four months we all have been attending church, yes don't fall out of your seats all surprised, and yes even Rob goes on his Sundays off, and yes I know my group of skeptic friends....I don't feel like getting into a smart people discussion about what's real and what's not let's save that for another day and remember there's a 10 year old involved (smiley face). So anyways back to my ramblings! Our church (Fusion) was doing The Daniel Fast, look it up its more than what I'm writing but here's the just of it...A Daniel Fast is eating only fruits and vegetables for a certain amount of time (21 days), abstaining from meat, and water is suppose to be the main beverage. One of the other things avoid distractions. Surprisingly that was the only thing I was really good with and that distraction was Facebook. Yes I know your surprised (laughing face), I sort of have a love hate relationship with Facebook. I love looking at the pictures, reading all the funny stories, learning about different things, And keeping in touch with far away friends. I hate the mean stuff that people share, oh and let's not forget the weird drama it creates too! (annoyed face) So for 21 days, except for the other day I wanted to share Farmers Market stuff. I actually stayed off Facebook! (super smiley face) Wait I didn't say everything baby steps people! (side-eye face) The diet side of it eh... not so a gooda (laughing face), the first week I was uber sick! So I had chicken noodle soup and some type of herbal tea. I think it was unicorn and rainbow flavor and yes I had a ginger ale because when I was little that was the only soda I could have and I had to be sick to get it! Oh annnnnd Alcohol I did pretty good with the no alcohol part! Not that I'm a raging alcoholic but I do enjoy  a good cold tasty beer every now and judging please (tight-lipped eye brow raised face) So was The Daniel Fast a success for me? Mmmmm I guess sort of, thinking about trying it again in the spring so I'll let U's know (showing all teeth smiley face)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

45 Things to do before I turn 46!

I'm back with another attempt to blog! Its on my list! Well not this list but another list! This is my BIRTHDAY LIST!!!!!! I know you've been waitin to see what crazy zany things I have plan and probably won't get to but I made a list so that's a start! Yes I know my birthday was back in December and because I'm a wife and mommy I kind of had to put it on the back burner. Like when your a kid December birthdays are AWESOME! When your a grown up your December birthday becomes a count down. (insert laughing face here) So her we go.... oh and it doesn't matter what order they are all important! (insert smiling face here)

  1. Take more pictures
  2. Make a point of keeping in touch with new friends and old
  3. Run a full marathon 
  4. Learn how to read music
  5. Piano lessons
  6. Plant a garden with the kids....and keep it alive (insert worried face here)
  7. Take a hike
  8. Spend a day at the spa
  9. Start meeting friends for coffee more
  10. Take a car ride do some exploring
  11. Take a sewing class like sew some real fancy stuff
  12. Take a knitting class
  13. Bike ride more
  14. Shoot with film
  15. Take a brewery tour
  16. Go wine tasting
  17. Frame more of my pictures 
  18. See more comedy
  19. Take a fun trip with the kids
  20. Look good in a bikini...yes you read that right (insert sarcastic face here)
  21. Write figure out that whole grammar thing cause I suck at that 
  22. Keep my home company ready
  23. Take the kids to a drive-in-movie
  24. Have friends over more
  25. Show my photography in a gallery
  26. Start a new photography project
  27. Get a mid format camera
  28. Do the farm markets
  29. Be a guerrilla artist
  30. Read more
  31. Take the kids to New York
  32. Go to Philadelphia more
  33. Really enjoy the beach
  34. Manhattanhenge 2015
  35. Be more efficient when working
  36. Create an inspiring work space
  37. Read 100 books this year...(insert shocked face here)
  38. Polar bear swim (insert crazy face here)
  39. Spend more time with my boys (insert love face here)
  40. Cook with my kids more
  41. Hear more live music
  42. Do something that surprises inspires, and terrifies me!
  43. Go to a MTH conference
  44. Write letters like back in the day 
  45. Take a more active role in my health...more running more crossfit more yoga and eating healthy more
  46. And finally be HAPPY and LOVE more!
Well that's it for now stay tune (insert smiley face here)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

DAY TEN Writing….

The reason why I decided to this challenge was to work on my writing! Not the idea part but the grammar part! Yes I super-duper uber suck at that part! Not sure why but I never got it!  Like I get the putting all the words together part so they make sense! But it’s all the punctuation stuff,  that whole parts of speech thing (there’s eight of them who knew) and all those get broken down to categories ugah :( then there’s the whole I write just like I talk which can be a whole different post! And yes if you were / are ever lucky enough to have a conversation with me you’ll find I’m a babbling mess of run on sentences and mispronounce words! Oh and please unless I ask or I’m struggling with a word to the point of my head imploding, or exploding do not and I stress do not correct me! Cause you will get a strong cussing out! I will use some very colorful grown up words! Just sayin! See in my head I feel like my speech is very eloquent! HAHAHAH! What comes out of my mouth ….eh not so much! Which brings me back to the whole writing thing! I totally love writing! I just don’t get all the fancy writing rules that go along with it so I’m going to use the next 21 days to go at it on my on using spell check those blue and red squiggly lines that are all over this and this handy dandy  book that already has me really confused! So chill out all you grammar perfect people I’m a learnin and a writing over here in The Berg! So I ain’t tryin to hear all your fancy grammar stuff while I’m trying to get it together! Hey at least I’m trying to be my best stupid! :)

Friday, October 10, 2014

DAY NINE Charlie….

Who has the cutest doggie ever! I mean come on look at this freakin face! Charlie is part of our family, well he’s not on our health insurance and he can’t babysit, drive, and go to the store, do laundry, clean, find the remote, car keys, help with homework, or cut the grass, but he does an awesome job at being cute! We’ve had Charlie for 6 years now. He was a rescue from a couple who couldn’t care for him anymore. At that time we were all in, we already had a 14 year old Jack Russell named Forest so we were really happy to get him a buddy…Okay truth be told we knew he was getting old and we didn’t want to traumatize the kids so we thought getting another dog would make it  not so traumatic… Except Forest would hang on for another year and then we found out we were expecting Kid 3 (story for another day) So back to Charlie. He has to be the most Awesome Dog ever…Well except for that whole big dog smelly thing! I feel like I have that house now! So we invest in a lot of candles and Febreeze! Then there’s the amount of dog hair, I’m surprised he still has hair! But with all that said he really is the BEST DOG EVER!!! And if it wasn’t for me tripping over him tonight on our Golden Retriever color floors, I would have totally had nothing to write about cause I was having a blah day and this hairy Dude Dog made me smile!